May Birthstone: Emerald

March 03, 2017 1 min read

The Emerald: Promises of Healing, Harmony, and Luck

The Greek philosopher Aristotle believed that owning an emerald (the May birthstone) increased the importance of your presence and speech during business transactions. He believed that it gave you victory in trials, helped settle litigation, and comforted and soothed your eyesight.

He even wrote: “An emerald hung from the neck or worn in a ring will prevent the falling sickness (epilepsy). We, therefore, commend noblemen that it be hanged about the necks of their children that they fall not into this complaint.”

Ancient Indians wrote that emeralds promised good luck and well-being. The Incas and Aztecs believed they were holy stones. Ancient Roman writer Pliny wrote that “Nothing greens greener” than an emerald.

In every major civilization throughout history, emeralds have been praised for their healing and protective powers. From being good for the eyes and eyesight, to curing snakebites, to encouraging and preserving chastity.

Now, most people don’t wear an emerald as a supernatural talisman today, but emeralds are also unique from the perspective of jewelry and gemstone grading. 

A fine emerald can be rarer and more valuable than a fine diamond. But (unlike diamonds) even cloudy, included, “poor quality” emeralds are sought after because these “defects” can create a unique and beautiful stone unlike anything else on Earth.

If you really love jewelry, then you need to have an emerald that you love in your collection. There aren’t many things more breath-taking than a stunning, vivid-green emerald. And --- who knows? --- it might just bring you some luck too.

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